<%if application("udate")=true then response.redirect "../probihaupdate.html" end if%> <% url=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")&Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") %> Untitled <% randomize if request.querystring("trizeni")<>"" then cislo=int(request.querystring("trizeni")) else cislo=int(rnd*7) end if if cislo<=1 then orderek=" zbozi.nazev;" end if if cislo=2 then orderek=" zbozi.nazev desc;" end if if cislo=3 then orderek=" zbozi.kod;" end if if cislo=4 then orderek=" zbozi.kod desc;" end if if cislo=5 then orderek=" zbozi.moc;" end if if cislo=6 then orderek=" zbozi.moc desc;" end if if cislo>6 then orderek=" zbozi.obr;" end if dim pomocna,dbconnection,recordset,odpovedcislo,jonebone set dbconnection=server.createobject("adodb.connection") pomocna="driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)}; " pomocna=pomocna & "dbq=" & server.mappath("admin/forum.mdb") dbconnection.open pomocna set recordset=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") recordset.activeconnection=dbconnection recordset.cursortype=1 recordset.locktype=3 set dbconnection2=server.createobject("adodb.connection") pomocna2="driver={microsoft access driver (*.mdb)}; " pomocna2=pomocna2 & "dbq=" & server.mappath("admin/forum.mdb") dbconnection2.open pomocna2 set recordset2=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") recordset2.activeconnection=dbconnection2 recordset2.cursortype=1 recordset2.locktype=3 recordset.open "select * from sekce" textik="" if recordset.eof and recordset.bof then else byla="ne" do while not recordset.eof if byla="ano" then textik = textik & ", " end if textik=textik & recordset("zkratka") & " - " & recordset("mesto") byla="ano" recordset.movenext loop end if recordset.close if request.querystring("barva")<>"" then recordset.open "SELECT Barvy.kodbarvy, Zbozi.Kod, Zbozi.Popis, Zbozi.MOC, Zbozi.MOC_Prodejni, Zbozi.Material, Zbozi.Textcena, Zbozi.Delka, Zbozi.Akce, Zbozi.Novinka, Zbozi.Online, Zbozi.podkategorie, Zbozi.kategorie, Zbozi.Nazev, Zbozi.Obr, Zbozi.Obr2, Zbozi.Obr3, Zbozi.Obr4, Zbozi.Id FROM Zbozi INNER JOIN Barvy ON Zbozi.Kod = Barvy.kodzbozi WHERE (((Barvy.kodbarvy)='"&request.querystring("barva")&"'));" else if request.querystring("method")="search" then if request.querystring("prodejna")<>"" then textik="SELECT * FROM Dostupnost INNER JOIN Zbozi ON Dostupnost.kod = Zbozi.Kod WHERE zbozi.kategorie=" & request.querystring("kat") if request.querystring("podkat")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.podkategorie=" & request.querystring("podkat") end if if request.querystring("delka")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.delka=" & request.querystring("delka") end if if request.querystring("akce")="on" and request.querystring("novinka")="on" then if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " or zbozi.novinka=true" end if else if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.novinka=true" end if end if if request.querystring("prodejna")<>"" then textik=textik & " and dostupnost.dostupnost='" & request.querystring("prodejna") &"'" end if textik=textik &";" recordset.open textik else textik="SELECT * FROM Zbozi WHERE zbozi.kategorie=" & request.querystring("kat") if request.querystring("podkat")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.podkategorie=" & request.querystring("podkat") end if if request.querystring("delka")<>"" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.delka=" & request.querystring("delka") end if if request.querystring("akce")="on" and request.querystring("novinka")="on" then if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " or zbozi.novinka=true" end if else if request.querystring("akce")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.akce>0" end if if request.querystring("novinka")="on" then textik=textik & " and zbozi.novinka=true" end if end if textik=textik &" order by" & orderek recordset.open textik end if else if request.querystring("id")="" then if request.querystring("podkat")<>"" then recordset.open "SELECT * FROM zbozi where zbozi.kategorie="&request.querystring("kat")&" and zbozi.podkategorie="&request.querystring("podkat")&" order by" & orderek else recordset.open "SELECT * FROM zbozi where zbozi.kategorie="&request.querystring("kat")&" order by" & orderek end if else recordset.open "SELECT * FROM zbozi where zbozi.id="&request.querystring("id")&";" end if end if end if if recordset.eof and recordset.bof then%>

Litujeme ale dle zadaných kriteríí nebyla v naší nabídce nalezena žádná položka..

<%else%> <% if request.querystring("ukaz")="search" or request.querystring("method")="search" then if (recordset("podkategorie")<>"" and recordset("podkategorie")<>"none") then recordset2.open "SELECT * FROM Podkategorie where podkategorie.id2="&recordset("podkategorie")&";" obrazek=recordset2("obrazek") idckopodkat=recordset2("id2") recordset2.close%> <%end if %> <%cc=1 citac=0%> <%end if%>
  &podkat=<%=RECORDSET("podKATEGORIE")%>" class="barvy" target="_top">Ukázat celou kolekci
<%end if%>
" id="miki" name="ChangingPix" width=165 onclick="otevriobrazek()" style="cursor:hand" height=247>
<%if session(request.querystring("kat")&"index")<>0 then%> ')" src="images/oko.gif" width="33" height="27" border="0" alt="" style="visibility:visible;cursor:hand" id="oko" vspace="4" onmouseover="tip.show('Po kliknutí myší se zobrazí okno s již vybranými produkty k porovnání.')" onmouseout="tip.hide()"> <% else%> ')" src="images/oko.gif" width="33" height="27" border="0" alt="" style="visibility:hidden;cursor:hand" id="oko" vspace="4" onmouseover="tip.show('Po kliknutí myší se zobrazí okno s již vybranými produkty k porovnání.')" onmouseout="tip.hide()"> <%end if%> <%if recordset("online")=true then%> ','<%=request.querystring("kat")%>')" style="cursor:hand" vspace="4" onmouseover="tip.show('Po kliknutí myší přiřadíte produkt k porovnaní s jinými produkty.')" onmouseout="tip.hide()"> <%end if%>
<%else end if%>
<%if recordset("akce") then response.write "AKCE " end if%> <%if recordset("novinka") then response.write "NOVINKA " end if%>



<%recordset2.open "SELECT * FROM delky where delky.kod='"&recordset("kod")&"'" if recordset2.eof and recordset2.bof then else%>  ')">Délka: <% koddelky=recordset2("koddelky") recordset2.close recordset2.open "SELECT * FROM vzorydelek where vzorydelek.id="&koddelky&"" %> <%do while not recordset2.eof%> <%=recordset2("nazev")%> <%recordset2.movenext loop%>
<% end if recordset2.close %> <%if recordset("material")<>"" then%> <%recordset2.open "SELECT * FROM material where material.id="&recordset("material")&"" if recordset2.eof and recordset2.bof then else%>  ')">Materiál: <%=recordset2("nazev")%>
<%end if recordset2.close %><%end if%> <% recordset2.open "SELECT * FROM Barvy where Barvy.kodzbozi='"&recordset("kod")&"'" if recordset2.eof and recordset2.bof then barevnost=false else barevnost=true %>  ')">Ukaž dostupné barvy
<%end if recordset2.close recordset2.open "SELECT * FROM dostupnost where dostupnost.kod='"&recordset("kod")&"'" if recordset2.eof and recordset2.bof then else%>  Dostupnost: <%do while not recordset2.eof%> <%=recordset2("dostupnost")%> <%=" "%> <%recordset2.movenext loop end if recordset2.close %>

<% miki="ktra" if request.querystring("kat")="52" then barevnost=true miki="cici" end if if recordset("online")=true and barevnost=true then if recordset("MOC")>0 then%> Cena: <%=recordset("MOC")%>,-  <%if recordset("akce")>0 then response.write recordset("textcena") end if%>
<%end if if recordset("MOC_prodejni")>0 and recordset("akce")>0 then%>
Akční cena: <%=recordset("MOC_prodejni")%>,- <%end if%>

<%if application(url&"index")=0 then%> <%else%> <%end if%> "cici" then%> Onclick="Barevnost(1,<%=recordset("id")%>,'<%=recordset("kod")%>')" <%else%>Onclick="Kosik(1,<%=recordset("id")%>)"<%end if%> onmouseover="tip.show('Po kliknutí myší vložíte tento produkt do nákupního košíku.')" onmouseout="tip.hide()">
<% dbconnection2.close set recordset2=nothing set dbconnection2=nothing recordset.close dbconnection.close set recordset=nothing set dbconnection=nothing %>